Let's Get Rightsized™ Cafeterias - your company and organization can help you Get Rightsized™ and Stay Rightsized™!

Healthy Employees - Happy Employees

Healthy employees make happy employees. Obesity costs the American economy an estimated $168 BILLION each year in medical expenses and lost productivity. These costs are paid by all of us, whether we have weight issues or not. One way to help employees stay healthy, happy, and productive is by ensuring they have access to cafeterias that provide perfectly portioned-sized meals. 

Every corporation and organization can benefit as a result of helping their employees optimize their health and well-being. 

Let's Get Rightsized™

Cafeterias and Buffets impact our waistlines!

When presented with the variety of food in a cafeteria or a buffet there is so much variety that leads to temptation. When we have smaller dishware it tricks our brain into thinking that we are eating more than we are, when in reality we are just filling up the plate.

The size of our portions has increased over the years. The average dinner plate has increased in diameter by 2.5 inches since 1960, which equals an increase of about 50% more food. Our dishware has gotten larger, and so have we.


We can help employees make better choices by providing smaller dishware and perfectly sized-portioned meals. Customers are more likely to make better choices when they are armed with information and tools that help them make better decisions.

The average office worker is now sitting for more than eight hours per day. And according to a recent survey, nearly 60% of Americans say they don't have time to exercise. So it's no wonder that obesity rates are soaring and chronic diseases like heart disease, stroke, and diabetes are on the rise. Your company can help with small changes that will help your employees succeed and the cafeteria is a great place to start.  

Have you recently been to a hospital and observed the health workers? Even the medical experts, doctors, and nurses who understand the impact of obesity firsthand are struggling with obesity. My recent visit to Mayo Clinic made me realize that educating individuals about the dangers of being overweight will not do it alone. Many members of their staff are struggling with weight. Their cafeterias offer healthier choices than many other cafeterias I've been to but it does not appear to make a significant difference.

As usual, we blame the overweight condition on a lack of willpower, but a study recently reported in the Journal of the American Medical Association shows that it is much more complicated than that. The study found that people who are obese have different brain chemistry than people of normal weight. In particular, they have higher levels of the hormone ghrelin, which tells the body when it's time to eat. They also have lower levels of leptin, which signals the body when it's time to stop eating. Is this a cause or effect of becoming obese?

This difference in brain chemistry means that people who are obese are constantly hungry and have a hard time feeling full. Even when they eat a healthy meal, their bodies don't register the fact that they're getting nutrients, so they continue to feel hungry. This can lead to overeating and weight gain. 

 Your company can help by ensuring that the food served in your cafeterias is healthy and nutritious. But you can also help by providing perfectly portioned-sized meals. This will help your employees feel satisfied after eating and prevent them from overeating. You can also make a difference by providing multiple-sized dishware. This will allow your employees to choose the size that is right for them. And by making healthy meals more attractive, you can encourage your employees to make better choices. 

A cafeteria presents a great opportunity to raise awareness of portion size. By offering a food portion in a variety of sizes the individual can pick the Rightsized™ Portion for them. This can be accomplished by offering either a serving tool or the eating ware in a variety of sizes. 

When employees or consumers select the portion by the size that's right for them we will reduce the amount of food waste. The savings will also be realized when the dishware is offered in smaller sizes. The collection and washing and storing of smaller dishware will lower the costs of operating a cafeteria even though initially it will cost more to have multiple sizes available. The health benefits and cost savings will outweigh any initial investment. 

When employees Get Rightsized™ and stay Rightsized™ they will become more productive. You can shrink the size of dishware and provide dishware and utensils that will help the individual serving their meal with the tools they need to succeed. This doesn't have to happen overnight. You can gradually eliminate plates and drinkware with smaller sizes. You can have your staff measure the current dishware using the Get Rightsized™ system and start shrinking it's size. Even something like reducing the diameter of the pizza or the size of deserts will help your employees Get Rightsized™. 

When you begin to provide smaller-sized portions and dishware, you may find that some of your employees complain. But if you explain that the changes are being made to help them Get Rightsized™, most will understand. If you do it gradually at small increments most of them will not even notice. And as more and more people Get Rightsized™, the demand for larger portions and dishware will diminish. The savings you will make in the quantity of wasted food alone will cover the cost of the implementation of the changes you will need to make. And as your employees Get Rightsized™, they will enjoy better health and increased productivity. 

So let's get started today! Let's Get Rightsized™ Cafeterias!

We all can work together to help change how cafeterias operate and help everyone Get the Rightsized™ Feeling!
