Let's Get Rightsized™ Starting Now!

Get Rightsized™ Friends - Friends helping your friends reach an ideal body weight

Eating is a social activity that we all enjoy together. We all have different metabolisms and therefore our eating process needs to be individualized. 

Friends impact our lives in many ways and we impact their lives. The most important way that we can impact our friends' lives is to help support their goals on their Get Rightsized™ journey. When your time together impacts your healthy lifestyle you can adjust how you spend your time together in a way that you both achieve your optimal selves and ensure your friendship enriches all of you. Your friends can be a true catalyst to your success on your Get Rightsized™ journey.

Let's Get Rightsized™

Let's Get Rightsized™ Together!

Study after study verifies that social support is an important factor in your Get Rightsized™ journey. Having your friends' support will help you succeed faster and help you stay on your path to wellness and joy. Losing weight with friends' support has never been easier! When you are on the Get Rightsized™ journey with friends, you will: 

-Know that you are not alone on your journey to wellness 

 -Have friends that understand your challenges


-Celebrate your victories with friends that have similar goals 

-Get inspired by their success 

-Stay accountable for your progress 

-Encourage each other every step of the way 

-Share recipes, cooking tips, and workout ideas

If you are trying to Get Rightsized™ without any support, you are more likely to fail. Studies show that most people who try to lose weight on their own give up within two weeks. When you have friends supporting you, you are much more likely to stick with your plan and achieve your goals. Start the Get Rightsized™ Journey together and let us help you every step of the way! The Get Rightsized™ method makes it easy for every person to move forward on their way to success much easier. Everyone can move at their own pace and gradually achieve their own goals.

The Get Rightsized™ Journey is more fun with friends! When you have friends by your side, you will stay more motivated and focused on your goals. You can rely on your friends for support and encouragement when you need it the most. Moving forward on your Get Rightsized™ Journey is a team effort and with your friends and loved ones supporting your effort, it will be fun.

"Get Rightsized with Family and Friends" is our next book in the Get Rightsized™ Series. This book will show you how you can maintain friendships that create synergy in your life. It will give you tips on how to meet with friends that help you all achieve your weight goals and get optimal lives together.

How do you start? Share your book "Get Rightsized with the Dish Diet" with your friends. Let them know about our website. Your friend may help you find the ways that you both can be successful. Share your success with our community so we can help you celebrate together.

A simple way your friend can help you is to Rightsize™ their dishware so that when you are together you are individually enjoying a healthy meal. It's harder to succeed when you realize that your Portion Size is 5 and during your visit, your friend serves a meal on a Size 28 dish. Although your friend is eating a salad with a teaspoon of dressing you don't enjoy a meal like that. You would rather have your smaller meal that has protein and carbs and vegetables on a Size 10 plate.

Going out with friends can be hard when you order your food and have to Rightsize your portion in front of everyone. There are ways that you can go out together and enjoy a fun meal together as long as your friends support you on your Get Rightsized™ journey. Once they understand the concepts and the tools they will help you succeed.

As we change how the world eats and Get's Rightsized™ it will be easier to spend time together. We will seek out healthy activities that we all enjoy together. Imagine you're ordering a meal and your friends are ordering meals that are Rightsized as well. You can all enjoy the meal and have a great time together. You will reach out to create supportive relationships with friends that help you achieve your goals.  

You may need to set boundaries with people who don't support you. It's okay to say no to invitations that don't work with your Get Rightsized™ journey. You can meet them in an environment that doesn't involve eating together. You can go on walks together, play tennis, or swim. There are many activities you can do that don't involve food. 

 If you have a friend that is not supportive of your Get Rightsized™ journey, it may be time to re-evaluate the friendship. A true friend will want what is best for you and will support you in your journey to optimal wellness.

 If you are a friend that wants to help their bestie to Get Rightsized™, here are some tips:

 -Encourage them to join the Get Rightsized™ community. 

-Share your book "Get Rightsized with the Dish Diet" with them. 

-Listen to their struggles and help them find solutions. 

-Get Rightsized™ dishware so they can see how easy it is.

 We are here for you every step of the way! We can change how the world eats together and help friendships flourish!
